What the crap is Roseola? Well, apparently it is a viral rash that appears a few days after a fever and it lasts about a week, and yes it is contagious, and oh yes Ava has it. Last Tuesday right before dinner I noticed she was really hot. I took her temperature and it was 101.7. She didn't act sick nor had she been complaining about anything hurting. I thought okay, no problem, we'll just give her some Tylenol. PROBLEM. All of the sudden Ava has decided that she does not like taking medicine. When did this happen. She has always done so good to take any medicine and it's a good thing because she has had to take alot. So we tried for over an hour and finally after a couple of times of her spitting it out, we got it down. Then, later that night, her temperature was 103.7. She has never had a temp that high. Not even when she was in the NICU, or any other time she has been sick. So again, we tried to give her Tylenol and she refused. Finally I put in a the tub which she hated because it was not as warm as she likes it. She just sat there shivering and crying. I felt so bad and helpless but her temp went down to 101.5 so it was worth it. And we got her to take her medicine. So for the next few days she continued to have a fever on and off but never over 101. And she has been good to take her medicine because we just threaten her with a cold bath, sounds mean but it works. Anyway, today she was very cranky and just laid around a lot. And she took a four nap, which by the way was heaven sent. She was still running a low grade temp when she woke up so the nurse at the doctors said to bring her in. When I was changing her, right before we left, I noticed she had a rash right where her diaper was and it looked to be spreading to her stomach and chest. What now, we thought. Anyway, we saw the doctor and they did a strep test because her throat was red. It was negative, thank goodness and her lungs sounded great. So, diagnosis: Roleola. I just pray and hope Jada doesn't get it. There is so much going around our neighborhood so I'm sure Ava got it from someone in nursery on Sunday. I think now that we are in the flu season, I am not going to have Ava go to nursery. I had a friend that told me last year that she would take her son to nursery on Sunday and by Wednesday he'd be sick. I would be too worried with Ava to play that game every week. The safest thing we can do it just keep her away. Too many people bring their kids to church sick. It's just not worth it. Anyway, other than that, not much else going on. I work full time, graveyard shift Wed, Fri. and Sat. at Timpanogos Regional Hospital, on medical/surgical/orthopedics floors, as an RN. (that was a run-on sentence) Antione goes to school full time and is getting his degree to be a building inspector. Jada does not want anything to do with "baby" food now that she has discovered how much better the food we eat is. She still does not have any teeth but it does not matter because her gums are so dang strong and hard. We started adding whole milk to her bottle so we can take her off formula (hooray!). I don't know if she is lactose intolerant or milk just gives her a lot a gas or what but last night she woke up too many times to count. I think her stomach was hurting because after I gave her some gas-x she finally calmed down enough to where she drifted off to sleep in my arms. It's a good thing I love her so much! We miss Marley, and I still expect to see him when I come home from work. Oh well, as Ava says, "He's happy now" and he's in a much better place. Life goes on.