Ava turned three years old on Sunday Nov. 29th. I cannnot believe that it has been three years since this " little" miracle came into our lives. She now weighs 23.6 lbs and is almost three feet tall. She is so smart and is growing up so fast. As most little girls her age are, she is obsessed with princesses. We were able to take the girls to Disney on Ice that featured most of the disney princesses, that Ava knows and loves. It was so fun to see her face when they came out on the ice. Her eyes would get real wide and she would smile so big when she recognized who they were. (Jada fell asleep). Since we didn't have a party we decided to celebrate it with just our family and of course, the disney princesses. Even Antione had fun. Well, he had fun seeing how happy Ava was anyway! I had to work on Thankgiving so we waited until Sunday to celebrate it along with Ava's birthday. The theme of her "party" (a few decorations were hung) was princesses and potty training. She got princess slippers (which happen to be too small), a princess toilet seat cover to go on the big toilet. I thought maybe she would be more inclined to use a stool and climb onto the big toilet instead of using the little toilet which sits on the ground. She also got princess underwear and princess pullups. Then for her dollies, she got a little potty which makes a flushing sound when you push the button. Of course she is obsessed with pushing the button. Oh, well, at least it's a quiet sound. It also came with a diaper, underwear, wipes, and a changing mat all for her dolly. I thought since Ava is really into interactive play right now with her dolls that if she saw her dolly using the toilet maybe she would want to. Then she also got, for her dollies, a little bag that comes with a thermometer that beeps when you push the button (again, she is obsessed with pushing the button, but it also is quiet and it is better than her trying to use the real thermometer), a medicine bottle and spoon, a nasal aspirator, a syringe, and a bandaide ( or bandalaide as she calls them). She sure loves all the toys she got, and so did her cousins (Kylie was a given, but Caden, that was unexpected). We had a traditional Thanksgiving dinner ( great job on the turkey Lorraine) but instead of a birthday cake we had a pumpkin cheesecake from Costco. Ava loves cheesecake, and it was "Thanksgiving" after all. I highly recommend it. YUMMY!! It was so fun to see Ava this year on her birthday. She was so excited all day long and would sing "Happy Birthday to Me" over and over. If you asked her how old she was she would say 2, and they we'd ask how old will you be on your birthday and she would say three. She knows her name is Ava and lately she has been telling me, as she points to Jada, her name is Jada Clair. She also wants to know what her name is, and what her name is ( there is no "he" in Ava's vocabulary yet) as she points to different people. She says my name is "Pamie". So her full name is Ava Pamie Foo. She acutally says Antione's name correctly. She is so funny because sometimes she will call him by his name and if he doesn't she will shout "Honey." She picks up so much of what I say. I have been good and haven't said any bad words or even words like stupid or dumb because I really don't want her to say these words. However, since we have been so obsessed and have been talking so much about her pooping and going potty in the toilet, this is definitley become a part of her vocabulary. She has even talked about it while she was saying the prayer. It is very cute because she is learning to pray and she can say alot of it without help. She always says thankyou for this day, for our blessings, for the food and for friends (which include Mark, TyTy, Marsha, and Greg; she says this everytime without fail) and sometimes she says thankyou for mommy, daddy, Ava, and Jada ( not everytime) but she lost her train of thought once ( I think) and she just went off and before we knew it she was saying "poopoo in the toilet." The funny thing is or maybe the ironic thing is, now when I say ours prayers I actually do say bless that Ava can learn to use the toilet and won't be scared. All the little things we bought for her birthday, so far, have not worked. But don't worry, I am going to use a different approach that her pediatrician recommended. He said we nees to get her over her anxiety by making toilet training, at first, just about her going to the toilet or sitting on the toilet. Nothing will be mentioned about going poo or pee in the toilet for the first little while. Instead she will just get exposed to the idea that every few hours we go sit on the toilet. The first few days we will do this fully dressed. This just really starts to get her into the habit of things. Then after a few days we have her in just a shirt and her diaper or pullup. Then a few days after that, a shirt and her underwear. He said her shirt and bear bottom but I don't know about that. I would think that the underwear would be fine. By then, she would be over her anxiety and would be able to relax and it would just happen and she would be like, no big deal. I know they say it is normal for kids to be scared of the toilet but Ava is really scared. She won't even try to sit on the potty, either one. The only thing I got her to do so far was sit on my lap while I was sitting on the princess potty (both fully clothed). The doctor said that was a good idea just to start to get her exposed. I have also tried to take out certain phrases in my vocabulary, such as, Ava do you want to go poo poo/pee pee in the toilet? Instead it's, Ava, it's time to go sit on the toilet or it's time to got to the bathroom. I know we just need to be very patient with her. Ava has always done things at her own time and on her own terms. I'm sure this is no different. She is still obsessed with opening and shutting doors. Oh how we wish she will out grow this. It is so annoying! We have door knob covers on most of the doors but not all of them. Although, I have found a way to prevent her from doing this. She loves to put lotion on her hands but her hands are to slippery to open the door. Of course then I get the joys of a temper tantrum. We have definitley been going through terrible two's but from what I here, terrible three's are worse. Really? Because how much worse can it get? She loves to tell Jada what to do and how to do. She is so bossy and there are many times in a day when she makes Jada cry. Don't worry though, because Jada is getting bigger and bigger and learning to hold her own, she hits back. Well, enough negativeness about Ava because she is also the sweetest little girl. She is so funny whenever I vacume or do the dishes or the laundry or even go to the bathroom, she is of course right there, wherever I am, and will ask me "What are you doing?" and I tell her and she says "Oh, good job mom." She always says "bless you" whenever any body sneezes and without fail if she or anyone else burps or farts she says " Oh, excuse me, or Oh, excuse you mom, or Jada, or whoever. She loves to give hugs and kisses and says "' I love you!" I can't even begin to imagine what my life would be like without her in it. She has brought more joy and happiness into my life than I ever could have imagined. She just keeps getting cuter and cuter and smarter and smarter. She has always and continues to amaze me. Ava we love you so much and are so blessed to have you in our lives!! Hope you have a great year!! (try not to kill me and your father)
p.s. I will try to post pictures soon. Our computer has been down so I am typing this at work.
It Never Stops
6 months ago