So I'm sitting here at work at 2am trying to stay awake. I need to update my blog but there doesn't seem to be much coming to my mind. Either nothing has happened all month or I am serioulsy tired and can't think. I'm going to go with the latter.
It is time to get Jada out of our room and into a big girl bed. Once again she kept me and Antione awake all night last night. So once again we all stayed in our jammies all day and I did absolutley nothing. Antione went to school of course but me, I was just plain lazy. I can't decide if I want to have Ava and Jada share a room. It would definitely be more convenient but I don't want Jada to keep Ava up all night. That's all I need is two honery, sleepy kids. But maybe Ava would sleep right through it. Probably not because Jada has a set of lungs. She could wake up the dead. I just need to get myself motivated to go in, what will be Jada's room, and clean out all the junk. It is our computer/guest room/put all the crap in room that there is no place else for it to go. I'll just get Antione to help me. He has been doing some much needed projects lately. He cleaned out the basement and put up a shelf for all of our food storage and he cleaned out the garage and built a shelf so now we can fit both cars in it again.
Yesterday, and I mean Thursday, was three years ago to the day that we brought Ava home from the NICU. It's hard to even remember those days sometimes. I remember a few ladies in our ward decorated our yard and put up a huge sign that said "Welcome Home Ava." It was so cool. We came home with Ava weighing 6 lbs 11 oz. She had a feeding tube and was on oxygen and also had a sleep apnea monitor. Thank goodness the monitor never went off except when one of the leads came off. It was still scary though. It is the loudest alarm and it went off and 2am. Got our hearts pounding. The only time we went anywhere that first month was to doctors appts and it seemed like we had at least two every week. Getting Ava to eat was the most challenging of all. It would take her forever just to even get down 2 oz and then we would just feed her the difference in her feeding tube. Ava was small but she was healthy and the doctor would say she looks good. We never ended up back at the hospital. The only time we went to the ER was one night she was wheezing. They just gave her a breathing treatment and then sent us home. She was such a good baby despite everything she went through and she was happy.
Ava has come such a long way. It has been so fun to see her learn her ABCs, numbers, colors, shapes, etc. You worry about so many things with preemies and at first all the doctors tell you is time will tell. Of course we were worried about learning disabilities but Ava is so smart. She learned her ABCs so fast and not just saying them but really knew them. The only surgery Ava has had to have is on her eyes last year. We saw the eye doctor last week and he said her eyes are perfectly straight and he is very happy. But he said she is near-sighted and will need to wear glasses. I knew this would happen eventually because my whole family is near-sighted and because this is real common with preemies, but I was thinking more like 5yrs old, not 3. Oh well, we'll just get princess or Dora glasses and hopefully she will wear them. I'm just more worried about Jada breaking them. She always tries to grab at mine when I wear them. Also, Ava is obsessed with jumping and doing sommersaults and standing on her head so I'm sure if her glasses get broken she will contribute to it just as much as Jada. I didn't realize it but no wonder Ava stands so close to the TV. I must say though, she will look so dang cute in glasses.
I have been reconnecting with some old friends lately. It has been so good for me to get out of the house and be away from the kids. I used to feel guilty because I work three times a week and don't see them on those nights so I didn't want to be away from them on my nights off. But I need ME time. Getting out of the house helps me keep my sanity. I forgot how important it was to hang out with friends. Another thing that is even more important is going out on a date with Antione. We had our 8th anniversary last month so I had my friend watch the girls and we were able to go out to dinner. It was wonderful and again, much needed. I need WE time, but we are lucky if we get to go out on a date once a month. It's just to hard to find a baby sitter especially because of my work schedule. And if we just stay at home and try to watch a movie we usually both fall asleep. Nice date huh? Oh well we'll keep on trying.