So here I am, another night at work. It's 2:30 in the morning and all is quiet. My hubby is in California for the next few days for his nephew's high school graduation. My two little girls are spending the night at a friend's house because I couldn't get work off. Hope all is well. It's a first for all of us. I'm bored so I have been reading blogs. I found this questionaire and since I am missing my man right now, I thought I would enlighten you all and let you get to know me and Antione a little better! :-)
How long have you been married? 8 yrs last March
How old is your spouse? 38 (six years my senior)
Who eats more? Well, I would have to say Antione, especially if there is meat involved
Who said I love you first? Uh, ME! It took him a loooonnnnggggg time before he said those three words. (although, I think he felt it, long before he said it)!!
Who is taller? Antione, but only by a few inches
Who sings better? I think we can both carry a tune pretty well (of course I was in a choir) ha ha
Who is smarter? I would say I have the book smarts and Antione has the street smarts. But he is going to school right now and getting smarter everyday, while I have been out of school for almost 9 yrs and feel like I have forgotten so much. But NO, I am not interested in going back!
Who controls the T.V. remote? This might be a sensitive subject. I'm pretty sure that I would have to admit.....ME!
Whose temper is worse? I'm gonna have to say Antione. I don't know if I have ever really see him ANGRY. I am told that it's pretty ugly. He hardly ever gets mad and maybe that's why, so I would have to say my temper is worse because I have never seen Antione's.
Who does the laundry? Both! I usually do the washing and drying. Antione folds it and puts it away. (it may not be on the day I do the washing and drying, and the clothes may sit in the laundry baskets, clean and sometimes folded, for a week or more, but he eventually gets around to it. (love you babe)
Who does the dishes? Both! We usually take turns. Whoever cooks doesn't do the dishes. But there are definitely exceptions to that rule. Sometimes we are both just too dang lazy and the dishes pile up so dang fast. (sigh) We're really trying to do better. Antione actually would rather load the dishwasher which is fine by me because I would rather unload it. Teamwork!
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Antione. He has always slept on the that side. Not sure why, and my side has always been the left. Even when the baby's crib was on the right side of the bed I still slept on the left and he slept on the right. Weird now that I think about it!
Who cooks dinner? I would have to say most of the time that would be Antione. He is a GREAT cook too. Honestly, I like to cook sometimes, but working nights and full-time has made me not care as much, and I could seriously eat out almost every night. ALMOST!
Who is more stubborn? Hmmmmm.....this might be equal. We are both pretty dang stubborn and we have created two very stubborn and hard headed little girls. But at the same time, I think we do well at compromising.
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? I think I'm gonna have to say ME! It's a work in progress with Antione (as it is with most guys) :)
Whose parents do you see the most? Mine for sure. They live 10 min away. Antione's live about 11 hours away! We are trying to see them more often, at least once or twice a year.
Who has more friends? I'm going to say Antione, especially when we are talking about his friends back in Fresno.....way more. I have a few very close friends. I don't know what is wrong with me. I can make friends way easier than I can keep them. I really do try to keep in touch. But it gets old to be the only one calling to say hi or stopping by. So maybe nothing is wrong with me, it's all them! (next question)
Who has more siblings? I do. I have three sisters, no brothers. Antione has three brothers, no sisters!
Who wears the pants in the family? Antione might say that I do. I would probably say both... or neither. What a dumb question. We're just equal. We make decisions together and we answer to each other.
Feel free to copy and paste this to your blog so we can all get to know you and yours a little more!
It Never Stops
6 months ago