Well this week has been a fun one. Last Sunday at about 2pm Jada threw up. From then on until about 9pm she was throwing up about every 20 min. It was so sad. I have never seen anyone throw up that much. Ava never did anyway. Jada didn't act or look sick the beginning but a few hours into she became more lethargic. She just laid there and looked up at me with those big brown eyes. I felt so helpless. She could not keep anything down. I tried to give her just 3ml of pedialyte and within 15 min she threw it up. We took her in to the Dr.s that night and they gave her a shot of Phenergan. She threw up one more time on the way home and that was it for 2 days. Then Tues. night about 12:30am she threw up 2 more times. Ava, on the other hand has only thrown up once but she has had diarrhea every night. So pretty much we have been cleaning up a lot of poop and throw up. You can see why I said it has been a fun week. Speaking of fun, 2 weeks ago we went to Disneyland with Ruth and her family. We left Wed. and came home on Mon. It was a lot of fun and great to spend time with Ruth, Joe and the kids. I do however, think that 3 days in a row of amusement parks is a lot for a 3 yrs old. Jada did pretty good. She only cried or became upset if she was tired or hungry. Ava on the other hand was a little harder. The first day was a 12hr day and it was very hot, so you can imagine how tired and cranky she was. The second day we decided to break it up and take the girls back to the hotel for a nap. I think that day did go a little smoother although, again by the end of the night Ava was being a pill. The third day was just wrong. We met up with Antione's mom, aunt and her boyfriend at Universal Studios. We love the Jurassic park ride there and thought that his family would have more fun there. Well they did but Ava did not! I was ready to kill her by the end of the day. Not really, of course, but she was very very cranky. The few things they did have for kids she didn't like. I decided that I will never take a 3 yrs old there again. It is NOT a place for kids that young. I feel bad about it now because I know she was so bored. After we got home from Universal we went back over to Disneyland and Ava got to watch the fireworks and go on the Winnie the Pooh ride with aunt Ruth while I went on Splash Mountain and the Matterhorn with Joe and the kids. Ava had a lot of fun Ruth said. It's funny because you would never know it by the pictures but overall Ava did have fun. She is not smiling in any of the pictures. I think she was just mesmerized by the princesses. The first day we had lunch at Ariel's Grato and got to meet and take pictures of all the princesses. Ava is obsessed. She got so excited when each one would come out but when it came time to taking pictures with them she just put her finger in her mouth like she does when she's scared, and and just looked up at them in awe. Our only misfortunes on the trip was Ava threw up 3 times in the car (yes, it looks like she takes after me and has motion sickness) and Jada fell out of the stroller and landed on her face. But other than that we had a great time and made a lot of fun memories. Here are some of the pictures from our vacation. I will post more when I get them from my sister.
It Never Stops
6 months ago
Oh, was that a hint? Okay, I'll send them to you:b