Can I just say how much I hate viruses. Once again, my kids are sick. Ava woke up crying about 4am on Wednesday morning. She had a temperature of 101.8. She has been running a fever on and off for about four days. Today it went up to 102.3. She has a horrible cough and a runny nose. Jada has been running a fever on and off for about 2 days. Same horrible cough and constant runny nose. So we took them both in to the doctors today to make sure that there is no infection going on. Good news: there is no infection. Bad news: there is no infection. It's almost better when they have an ear infection or throat infection because then they can go on antibiotics and start getting better in the next day or two. But no, it's a stupid virus that "just has to run it's course." Ugh!! So frustrating. As long as they have a fever they are contagious which means we can't go anywhere. The family is celebrating Kylie's Birthday tomorrow and it looks like we won't be able to go. Also, me and Antione started working out at the gym last week. It's been pretty cool to get out of the house and go somewhere. We want to go every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday because that works the best with my schedule. We go to a gym in Sandy that just opened up so there is no enrollment fee and it only costs $15 dollars a month with no contract. We go to our friends, Nicci and Justin's house and the kids all play together. While me and Nicci work out the guys stay with the kids. Then they go work out and me and Nicci watch the kids. We usually end up having dinner together too and we are all trying to eat healthier. So, we just started this last week, but so far it has worked out really good. We each get to have someone to work out with which is so much more motivating then going by yourself. Antione wants to lose about 30 lbs. I just want to get in shape and get my "core" stronger. Anyway, if the girls are still sick then we can't go. The thing about working out is you need consistancy. You have to keep going and keep doing it. It's so much easier to not work out. I have been so motivated this last week to go and work out. Even when I was so tired and was tempted to just stay home. But we got in the car, drove the 20 min to their house and got ourselves to the gym. I felt sooo much better afterwards. I had so much more energy too. It was great. Just what I needed. Just what WE needed. So I hope that the fact the girls are sick and we won't be working out, possibly this whole week, doesn't mean that we or I will lose our motivation.
This month has actually been a very difficult month with Jada. She has not been sleeping well at all. There are some nights that she will wake up every hour. It has been so hard on me because I work graveyards on the weekends. On the nights I don't work I am trying to switch back over. So usually I don't go to sleep until later, about midnight. Then Jada wakes up within an hour. Sometimes she will go back to sleep. Other times she stays awake wining for awhile and then finally falls alseep. At this point, I usually can't fall back asleep. My body is used to me being awake at night and sleeping during the day. So I am awake for 3 to 4 hours and by the time I finally fall back asleep, Jada wakes up again. So the next day, all I want to do is sleep. I feel like a walking zombie. I'm pretty sure that the reason Jada is having such a hard time at night has something to do with her teething. Unfortunately, the child will not take medicine by mouth. Believe me, we have tried everything. She either spits it out or ends up throwing it up. We never had this problem with Ava when she was teething. We would just give her Tylenol and she would be fine.
Don't get me wrong. I love Jada, but she has sure made me think twice about wanting to have any more kids. I don't know how much more I can take of this. Once again, I just realized I am complaining about my kids on my blog and focusing on the negative parts of being a mom. Why, when there are so many more positive things I could talk about. Like, Jada is now walking. Well she has been for a few weeks now. She is a little whirlwind of destruction and gets in to everything and anything she can. Oops, there I go again, being negative. She has four teeth all on the top. It's so weird that she doesn't have ANY teeth on the bottom yet. The doctor assured me it's nothing to worry about. It's just a rare occurrence, in only about 10% of kids. She can say bye bye, momma, dada, hi, hey, and she will just walk around somtimes saying Jada, Jada, Jada. Only it sounds more like Ja-duh....Ja-duh. It's so dang cute. She also loves to play ring around the rosies with Ava. She tilts her head to one side and goes around and around in a circle saying "aa-ches, aa-ches (ashes, ashes). Ava thinks it so funny. Somtimes they play so well together. Other times, well let's just say it's a love-hate relationship.
Ava started primary at church this last month. She is in Sunbeams. The first week I had to stay with her the whole time. She wasn't going to let me go anywhere. The next week I took her she walked into the primary room and sat on her teacher's lap. She looked perfectly fine so I just left. I was able to go to my classes and I was told after that Ava did so good. She didn't cry or anything. I was so proud of her. We'll see how week three goes. Unfortunately now, that won't be tomorrow. We have also been working on potty training with Ava. The approach I have been trying is every few hours take her into the bathroom and have her sit on the toilet and try to go. She was doing so good at first at would want to sit on the potty and try to go. She never did go potty but she tried. Now she doesn't even want to sit on the potty. So I think I need a new approach. I am going to try this week to just put her in her underwear, no diapers, and just let her have accidents so she can feel what it likes to be wet and hopefully she won't like it. She talks about how her friends go "poop in the toilet" all the time. And she wants to wear big girl "princess" underwear. So hopefully this will motivate her. Also, she can't go to pre-school until she is potty trained . So we have about 7 months to go. I know once she actually goes potty in the toilet she will be so proud of herself and want to do it again. The thing about Ava, she's always done things on her own terms, when she wants and how she wants. I don't think this will be any different. It's just right now it seems like she will never be potty trained. But I remember thinking the same thing when she wasn't walking yet and also when she wasn't able to eat any solid foods. She conquered those things and she WILL conquer potty training. I know she will!
It Never Stops
6 months ago
I got tired just reading about how tired you are. I think I'll go take a nap;) Hey, remember when we used to do pilates every Monday at the AF rec center? Good times.
ReplyDeleteYes! Pilates was great. I was actually thinking about that the other day. I think I want to start doing pilates or yoga or something like that once a week. Too bad you don't live closer. I do remember one certain thing that happened when we were doing pilates that made me laugh so hard. Now that was good times!!
ReplyDeleteWTG!!!!Working out at the gym 3 times a week... now that is a feat I would like to accomplish myself!!!
ReplyDeleteSounds like your girls keep you busy!!! :)