This is the damage done to our car last Thursday night. Believe it or not a rock the size of a cantaloupe flew threw the front windshield. Antione and the girls were driving on the frontage road and we think that a rock or a chunk of cement bounced off a trailer or a truck from the freeway. It hit our car at an angle so instead of hitting Antione it hit the steering wheel. He said he was driving and he heard a loud pop and then it was just a cloud of white dust and glass. Luckily he was able to pull the car over to the side of the road and not hit another car. The rock then flew right past Jada, bounced off the ceiling and hit the rear window. There was glass everywhere. Thank goodness nobody was hurt but Antione was pretty shaken up. Jada was scared and crying because she got quite a spray of the glass. Both her and Ava had glass all through their hair and Jada had it all in her diaper. They were checked out by the paramedics just to make sure they didn't have any glass in their eyes. I was at the church when I got a call from Antione to come home. This could have been a real tragedy. We truly are blessed and heavenly father was looking out for our family. (Thank you)!
It Never Stops
6 months ago
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