Time for another long, boring post on the happenings of our lives. Just kidding, not boring but not as entertaining. I realized that the last time I updated my blog, without pictures, I was at work as I am now. So, like last time, it is late and I am trying to stay awake, so don't be surprised if I ramble on and on about nothing and try to ignore all the spelling mistakes.
This is really the best time for me to blog though because if I try to do it at home I will 1) probably fall asleep, (not probably I WILL absolutely fall asleep) and 2) not be able to do it with the girls awake because they think that when I'm awake they need to be doing what I'm doing. So usually this ends up with me trying to get on the computer and check my e-mail or facebook and them crawling all over me and pushing buttons, hence it's pointless for me to blog at home. And don't even get me started on trying to read. That doesn't happen much either!
Antione started school today. He took the last block of summer off so now it's back to the grind stone. Actually, I think he is really excited to be going back. He gets to go somewhere and do something everyday. Kind-of like if he had a job. I know he really, really wants to be working but I just want him to finish school as fast as possible so that I don't have to work this horrible, exhausting, pathetic, miserable, no good schedule of mine. Seriously, I work every weekend and it SUCKS! But I know this won't be forever so that keeps me going. And besides, I'm the one that chooses to work every freakin weekend! Why, because it just works the best for us right now.
Speaking of work, it has been so hard lately so there might be a hint of a bad attitude towards work right now. I really don't hate being a nurse but we are definitely overworked and underpaid! This job is very demanding most times and it takes an extreme amount of patience caring for patients! Yeah for tonight for being an easy night. I really needed the break from all the craziness!
So back to more important things to talk about: my kids. Ava starts preschool next week and she could not be more excited. We went to an open house on Wed, we meaning, Ava and Jada because there was no way I was leaving Jada. She would have had a melt down. Anyway, we met her teachers, who are sisters. Their names are Heather and Denise. Ava calls Heather, Addie's mom. That's the way she knows her right now. They gave us a calender of events for the year and a newsletter for each month of what they will be doing each week. So of course Ava had to get a Dora back pack and, big surprise, so did Jada. I hope Jada isn't too sad when Ava acutally starts school and she can't go. And I hope Ava isn't too sad when she realizes that I won't be staying with her. I am actually really excited for Ava to start school. She is so smart and already knows most things they will be learning. The main reason I wanted Ava to be in prechool so early, is to get the social interaction with other kids. Also she will learn valuable things like following directions, cleaning up after herself, getting along with others and making new friends. The singing songs and playing games will just be an added bonus. It will be so nice to have a couple of hours, two days a week for me and Jada to have some alone time. I'm sure Jada will love it too.
Ava has been doing so good on potty training. In fact, for the most part, I thought we were done. Wrong, we are still working on "poop" training. Like today for example she sat there and told me that next time she has to go poop she will go in the toilet. Not 1 min later, she pooped her pants. Oh I was so mad. She is getting older and understanding more about feelings so she will ask me, "Mom are you mad at me?" I reply, "No, just upset at what you did because you know better." I'm really thinking, "Ava what the crap! (of course the pun is intended) You just stood there and pooped in your pants! That's the third time this week! What is wrong with you? You start preschool next week and you can't go to preschool if you are still pooping in your pants! Will this ever end? AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!"
Okay enough said about that subject. Ava made me laugh the other day. Well, she makes me laugh most days, as does Jada. Anyhoo, she was playing with Jada and she wanted something Jada had so she tried to take it from her. (big mistake) Jada hit her and of course Ava tattles on Jada for hitting. Then Ava sat down with her arms around her knees and said, "I'm so mad. I don't want to play with Jada anymore. It's not fair. All she does is hit me and bite me all the time. It's just not fair. Uh! I'm so mad. I don't understand it." And this contiued on and on. I couldn't help but laugh. Good job Ava on using your words and telling us how you feel. I'm pretty sure she picked this up from 'Ni Hao, Kilan.' What a cute show. She's actually learning something from it unlike 'Sponge Bob Squarepants.' What in the crap is my child supposed to get from a show where they have the main character "Sponge Bob," fall in love with a hamburger patty, oh excuse me, a crabby patty, that he made! It's pretty pointless and they play this dang show all the time. Good thing I have Dora on DVR.
What to say about Jada. She's crazy! It's true. She picks up so many things from Ava. Lately, she will yell and I mean yell, "momma, momma, momma at the top of her lungs, clutched fists and all, over and over until I acknowledge her by saying, "What!" and then she says in the cutest little voice "watch." as she shows me whatever it is she wants me to see. It cracks me and Antione up every time. I don't think she is ever and mean EVER going to give up her binky. We started weening off the bottle a little by just giving it to her at nap time or bedtime. So far so good as long as we give her a sippy cup. The binky is another story! She litterally has meltdowns when we can't find her binky, which happens several times a day! We try to keep 2 or 3 binkies around so we always have a backup, but she eventually ends up loosing all of them. Jada is sooooo dramatic when she has a meltdown. First of all, this child has a set of lungs. She is loud! She drops her head down to the ground with her butt in the air like a stinkbug. When she comes up for air she usually has her head in her hands, big crocodile tears streaming down her face. It works! (and she knows it works). Cute little stinker that I love so much!
It Never Stops
6 months ago
Don't give Spongebob a hard time. It's not SUPPOSED to be educational, just entertaining (which it is). Besides, what great lessons did you ever learn from Looney Tunes?!